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Kafue National park


                                   Kafue National Park

     Kafue National Park

The acentric Kafue national park is Zambia’s largest and oldest national park Spanning an area of 22400km. The park attained its national park status (formation) in the 1950s. A huge fraction of the national park still remains uncharted thereby giving more access to the continuous development of the rich wildlife, plant and bird species. Kafue national park also derives its attraction and uniqueness from its size and the wild game that is holds.

All over the national park, the consistent Kafue River flows trailing a well-articulated course and its deviates and widens is areas where rocks seem harder and renders the flowing process impossible to go through them. the park has a wide array of activities that travelers can  embark on, some of which include  game drives,  birdingcanoeingnature walks and fishing. Tanzania


     Kafue National Park








Kafue national park  like any other national park in Zambia  is well endowed with  wildlife species with very common sightings of antelope to mention lechwe, pukus small herds of the common zebras, another great sightings are those of the blue wildebeests that  show around the busanga plains in the month of June annually.During the dry season, when temperatures begin  going up, the northern part of kafue national park usually experiences influx  of  kudus, bushbucks, elands, reedbucks, duikers, greyboks and defassa water bucks. The   lions are also another sought  after inhabitants in kafue national park usaully found close to the herds of he  pukus and lechwes which serve as their  meals. There several prides much as larger males are not common in the national park. The rivers at the  Kafue national park also serve as homes to large schools of hippopotamus  , crocodiles  among others. Kafue rivers also acts as  host for   several herds of elephants, leopards are also common in the forest areas which serve as their hiding point. Cheetahs are also seen in  Kafue national park but seen in the northern part of the park, cape wild dogs and hyenas are also common in the park and frequently seen in the park.


Game Drive

Kafue national park just like any other African national park  brings forth a major highlight of any African safari ( game drive)  , the game drives.


Birding at kafue national park .Kafue national park  had over time transformed into  a bird watchers paradise.  It Is the top of Zambias birding destination for most of the birding enthusiast


Canoeing  is yet another amazing activity at Kafue national park. It’s the quest  way of exploring the parks water, sharing the environment with crocodiles and hippos.  During the canoeing,

Bird life

Kafue National Park, like any other  national park has  well distribution of bird life ranging from forest  birds,  water birds, savanna birds and migratory birds, among others.  some of the most common birds species include ducks, guinea fowls, Pheasants, Grouse, Allies, flamingos, pigeons, doves,sand grouse,  bastards,  cuckoos, turacos among others.

with all the above, Zambia besides east africa ( Uganda safaris ,Kenya safari, Tanzania safari, Rwanda safari) makes  good travel destination.

Kafue  national park is apparently the largest national park in the country of Zambia.  Kafue national park also double as the second largest national park in Africa, a continent of size amounting to 22,400sqm. Kafue National Park derives its name from Kafue river that flows  covering three provinces of the north west, central and southern.

Accessing the kafue national park from lusaka, Zambia’s capital city, takes approximately 13hours by Road and 16 hours from Livingstone Zambia’s busy city by road. Kafue National Park can also be accessed by air on chartered flights from Lusaka and Livingstone.

History  of Kafue National Park dates way back to the year 1924  when the British pushed away the local inhabitants of the Nkoya people who used the park as their traditional hunting grounds.


                              OTHER TOP DESTINATIONS TO EXPLORE 

Visit Victoria Falls

Zambia has surpassed Zimbabwe as the most popular destination for tourists seeking to see Victoria Falls since Zimbabwe’s economic and political problems began in the 2000s.

Explore Zambezi River

 The Tonga people gave the Zambezi River its name, which means “Big River.” The Zambezi ranks fourth in length in Africa, after the Nile, the Congo, and the Niger.

     Kafue National Park

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8 Things to do in Zambia on safari 8 Things to do in Zambia on safari : Zambia, a landlocked country in Southern Africa, takes its name from the Zambezi River. 

     Kafue National Park

Getting to Kafue national park

The Kafue national park can likewise be accessed   from the travelers  center  town of Livingstone in the south, it can also be accessed from the   a well graded road 


When to visit  kafue 

Temperature-wise kafue national park is superbly warm because of its elevation, averaging 1100m above ocean level; it is commonly cooler contrasted 


The prevailing vegetation sort of the Kafue is called ‘Miombo’ which is encapsulated by a semi-deciduous forest containing various three overwhelming genera 

Wildlife in kafue

Wildlife in Kafue national park : The Kafue isn’t about the sheer quantities of untamed life you see, it is about the decent variety of natural life you see. 

     Kafue National Park

Bird Life

Birding at kafue national park .Kafue national park  had over time transformed into  a bird watchers paradise.  It Is the top of Zambias birding destination 

     Kafue National Park

Nature walks

The Kafue national park can likewise be accessed   from the travelers  center  town of Livingstone in the south, it can also be accessed from the   a well graded road 

     Kafue National Park

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